A Private Staff Party Venue
At Prince Philip House we offer an exclusive event space for hosting a private event or celebration.
Prince Philip House is perfect for staff and team parties as meeting events are so valuable to companies and their employees at every level.
Let’s face it, the staff summer party has been non-existent over the last few years, and they are usually one of the most talked about dates in the diary.
With a large percentage of staff working from home, full or part time, for quite some time, now more than ever is a party needed.
But have you ever really thought about the benefits of a summer party for your business?
Here are a few reasons why a summer party should be a top priority for you this year:
Meet new colleagues
Over the pandemic, many people have joined businesses remotely, and have only met some of their colleagues over video calls and never in person.
But it’s also a great way to mix and mingle with staff you don’t usually meet.
It also helps to humanise senior members of staff and makes them come across as more approachable.
Relationship building
As humans social interaction is essential to our health. Having a strong network and being part of a community is an important part of adult life.
Nothing beats relationship building than in person interaction. We missed a lot of that the last few years.
Staff work hard and long hours. Giving them something to look forward to throughout the year is a great morale booster. It helps staff to feel valued as it shows that you appreciate their contribution to the business.
It is also a great talking point for staff.
Happy employees are productive employees
Happy staff = happy workplace.
When you have a happy workforce, you can expect better productivity. Which will get you better long-term financial results.
Tax deductible
Now, you should never put an event on just because its tax-deductible, staff wellbeing should be the number one priority, but it is a bonus and one to be taken advantage of.
Just remember, it must not be:
Exceed £150inc VAT per person
Open to all employees
An annual event
There you have five reasons why you need to have a staff party this summer. Have we convinced you?
If you are thinking of organising a party and need a venue with the wow factor, our terrace is the perfect spot.
Get in touch today for more info.